Indiana Chief Justice Loretta Rush was honored with a Lady Justice Award by the National Association of Women Judges.

Rush, who graduated from Richmond High School, received the award during the October NAWJ convention in Indianapolis. The award honors a judge who uses her position to promote the rule of law through strong and diverse leadership; fairness and equality in the courts; and equal access to justice, according to a news release.
During the conference, Rush met with judges from across the world.
“It is inspiring to meet women from around the globe working to promote the rule of law,” Rush said. “The NAWJ members are passionate about helping people in their community — which makes receiving this award from them very meaningful.”
Rush became Indiana’s 108th Supreme Court Justice in November 2012, then was named chief justice in August 2014. Rush is past president of the Conference of Chief Justices and was appointed by U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts to serve on the Judicial Conference Committee on Federal-State Jurisdiction.
A version of this article appeared in the November 1 2023 print edition of the Western Wayne News.