Wayne County Foundation is announcing the 2019 Challenge Match Program.
The Challenge Match program is an opportunity for participating not-for-profit
organizations to cultivate new donors and encourage increased giving from current
contributors, especially for general operating support. In the last seven years, the
Challenge Match has helped 71 organizations raise over $7.88 million, including $1.46
million from the Foundation.
Qualified charities located in Wayne County and in good standing with the IRS and the
Foundation are strongly encouraged to attend an information lunch meeting to learn
about the program this year. It will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 25 at the
Wayne County Historical Museum’s Community Room in Richmond, Indiana.
Reservations are required no later than Monday, July 22. Box lunches are available for
$7. Register on the Foundation’s website at www.waynecountyfoundation.org or by
calling 765-962-1638.
Any charitable not-for-profit organization, school, or government agency in Wayne
County that has had a prior application history with the Foundation is eligible to apply.
Groups that are not qualified charities must partner with an organization that is.
An online application must be submitted to the Foundation by Friday, August 16. This
year, the Challenge Match Program will be held from November 4 to November 12.
Wayne County Foundation offers information meeting for 2019 Challenge Match program