Richmond and Connersville’s Indiana National Guard armory sites will be among those open for public COVID-19 testing in the next week.
About 100,000 Hoosiers showing symptoms of COVID-19 or those who’ve had close contact with someone ill can be tested in the next month, thanks to a new program announced during Tuesday’s daily state COVID-19 update.
OptumServe Health Services, powered by Logistics Health, Inc., will open 20 sites across Indiana next week to begin expanded testing in Indiana National Guard armories.
Each site will be open for at least eight hours per day Mondays-Fridays to offer nasopharyngeal swabs.
Those needing a test are to go to the Optum web portal to self-report symptoms using the online screening tool and to schedule an appointment. The registration portal will open 48 hours before the testing site opens.
Testing is for any symptomatic Hoosier, a close contact of someone who’s tested positive, or residents of congregate living settings. Any Hoosier meeting those criteria can get tested without having to visit a health care provider.
No one will be charged for testing, and having health insurance is not a requirement. Those who have private health insurance are asked to bring that information.
Web registration is preferred, but a call-in line will be available.
In addition to Richmond and Connersville, tests will be available in Muncie, Angola, Columbus, Danville, Elkhart, Elwood, Huntington, Jasper, Johnson County, Lafayette, LaPorte, Logansport, Peru, Scottsburg, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso and Vincennes.
The company has a plan to increase to 50 sites by mid-May.
It expects to test 100,000 Hoosiers in the first 30 days. As many as 30,000 tested per week when all sites are open.
An extension of the tests will be evaluated monthly.
OptumServe will collect the swab specimens and manage the testing and reporting of data. Indiana is the second state to add Optum testing. Optum began testing this week in California.
Those tested should receive results in an average of 48 hours. Patients will receive a text or email if the test is negative, and a phone call if the test is positive.
The state reached an agreement with Optum Serve to expand the testing, while Indiana State Department of Health will continue to test in long-term care facilities and other identified hot spots.
State officials say the additional tests will provide a more complete picture about the spread of the virus and high-risk communities.
Richmond, Connersville, Muncie getting COVID-19 test sites next week