Tenants and landlords came together in a Feb. 27 meeting to figure out how everyone can do their part to ensure laws are being followed and rights are being respected in area rental housing arrangements.

Attendees have rented houses and apartments for all sorts of reasons. Some were young professionals just starting out in the community. Others were saving up to buy their own house someday. And some said they were experiencing hardship, unable to afford a more stable housing situation. But every renter had one thing in common: wanting their rented property to meet basic human needs for shelter, warmth, running water and cleanliness.

Landlords in attendance said they want renters who take care of the property, pay their rent on time and abide by the terms of the lease.

It seems like a simple arrangement to understand, but according to the Richmond Housing & Human Rights Coalition, misunderstandings, misinformation and outright abuses of power are getting in the way of harmonious tenant-landlord relationships in the area.

They organized the gathering last Thursday at Morrisson-Reeves Library in Richmond to help tackle the issue, inviting anyone interested in ensuring adequate standards of living for residents to attend.

Of those who came, some were there to help family members experiencing housing instability. Some were there because they’d been mistreated by landlords and were curious about legal options available. Some were there to inform and connect people with resources. And some were landlords who wanted to make sure they’re doing the right thing.

Landlord Paula Ripberger said she works hard to make sure her rental agreements are working well for everyone. “I have really good tenants, and I want to keep them,” Ripberger said. She found the meeting informative and said it’s helpful for everyone to know their rights. She hopes additional landlord-focused workshops will be developed soon.

James Freiberger, a college student and one of the community organizers with RHHRC who facilitated the meeting, said the attendance was their largest yet at an event. Freiberger grew up in Richmond and said he’s experienced housing instability himself, so he found this gathering “beautiful” and appreciated everyone who contributed toward there being “less suffering” around housing issues. Members of the six-month-old organization have spent time going door to door and handing out flyers, hoping to educate residents on issues and rights.

Speakers Morgan Mayle of Legal Aid of East Central Indiana and Felicia Carter of Whitewater Valley Pro Bono Commission helped attendees learn about resources like IndianaLegalHelp.org and the accompanying free kiosk available to use at the Wayne County courthouse. Those concerned about their situation can find legal advice, print out forms and get connected to additional resources.

Kelley Cruse-Nicholson talks about tenant and landlord rights and resources. Photo by Chris Hardie

Speaker Kelley Cruse-Nicholson, a member of the Richmond Housing Authority board, walked through what renters should be able to expect from their landlords, how to address problems, and what processes were available when conflicts arise. Her main advice: document everything. Verbal requests and phone calls aren’t enough to create a trail of evidence needed to bring legal accountability, such as a renter compelling the landlord to make repairs or clean up dangerous living conditions.

Fear of retaliation came up as a concern several times. “People are afraid to say anything, they don’t want to rock the boat and be put out,” Cruse-Nicholson said. But she said “information is power,” and another attendee agreed that by helping each other understand how to make the system work well for everyone, things can change for the better.

RHHRC organizer John Wessel-McCoy put it this way in introducing the meeting: “We don’t know everything, but together, we know a lot.”

The group says it plans future meetings to continue work on housing issues, as well as related topics like human rights, discrimination and access to healthcare. They gather the second and fourth Saturdays from 1 to 3 p.m. at 819 E. Main St. in Richmond. Those interested in learning more can visit instagram.com/hhrc24 or call 765-270-9127.

An attendee of the meeting independently recorded and shared this video of the event, available on YouTube:

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A version of this article appeared in the March 5 2025 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Chris Hardie is the owner and publisher of the Western Wayne News.