1. Help voters understand what motivated you to run for office, and particularly this position.
2. The economic region Wayne County is part of did not fare as well in the statewide competition for READI dollars as many others when divided by the number of participating counties. What actions would you take in order to draw more of state officials’ potential attention, funding and economic development opportunities to Wayne County?
3. What is your reaction to this year’s legislative session regarding what was discussed and/or accomplished on preK-12 and higher education in Indiana? What education issues do you think should be addressed in the next session?
4. One of the challenger’s campaign promises is to “stand against medical tyranny.” Please explain your thoughts about that pledge and how it relates to what occurred during the 2022 legislative session. Is “medical tyranny” a concern in Indiana, in your opinion?
5. If you are elected and successful while in office, what should voters expect to be different at the end of your term?

Mark Pierce

*Age: 54

*Work experience/former occupation if retired: Sales and Sales Management, have worked the last 22 years in Treasury management/ Commercial / Business banking and most recently I am now an independent business consultant.
*Education/training: Self taught medical researcher for 30 years, with a focus on auto immune disorders. During my 22-year career in commercial banking I took part in numerous ongoing internal business training programs.
*Elected offices previously held and what years: N/A
*Community involvement: During the illegal mandates I became a co-founder of a freedom-based organization called Voice of the Patriots. We brought in medical, election and educational experts along with current and former elected officials to educate others on the issues we are facing and how to provide solutions to create real change.
In addition, I connected with political organizations providing education to run for office this past year. We will continue to provide education for those who want to run for office including a very important component of learning the US and Indiana State Constitution. We feel a critical learning component for anyone who wants to run for public office includes continuing education of Indiana State and US Constitution. I have completed the IOTC program and will continue to educate myself of what our founders and framers meant in their own words. I highly recommend this program. We need more good people to run for local offices, especially for school board and county commissioners.
*Contact information: Website / email:

1) I believe in a Constitional Republic. The shutdowns and the illegal, unconstitional mandates that our local and state representative participated in are a violation of our constitional rights. Those rights are not suspended by any Emergency use authorization. I would work to make the EUA powers limited by the Governor and only approved on a month-by-month bases by the legislature. Children are our future. They have almost zero risk of serious effects from the virus, so giving them an experimental injection would be a risk that is not worth taking, especially when there are proven early treatment protocols. We have skyrocketing numbers of deaths and disabilities in the military as well as the public population. There are reports in the Department of Defense of this current administration that they pushed to conceal the vaccine injury numbers. I encourage everyone to view the following website: for more information. I believe in full transparency, limited government, lower taxes, term limits, health freedom, the patient is the boss, and life begins at conception.

2) First, I am very concerned about the READI dollars program. The reason is after reading about the investor Kelli Jones of this LGBTQ+ program everyone should be widely concerned. If the last 2 years have taught us anything it is to investigate the people who are investing, providing, and promoting services to our children. I would work with Purple for Parents and other concerned citizens to run a deep dive into who they, the investment they are tying dollars to specifically and what ties come with receiving those dollars before I would make any decision on READI dollars program. I would like to see more money invested into promoting home school network solutions for parents who have a difficult time providing this their children, as well as more money going to IT and trade schools to help beef up the backbone and future of our workforce.

3) What I am hearing from the community is they want to insure that what is taught in Public schools is transparent. CRT and SEL was not received well by parents in our community. This lack of transparency in the public school system has caused parents to look for options for home schooling for their children. There are many great organizations, and I will work to help make that come true. In addition, we must insure the children are never masked as that has caused a litany of medical/ dental issues as well as learning disabilities, especially for the younger students.

4) Medical tyranny, oppressive power exerted by the medical community, the Indiana state and county board of health. HB1001, passed in 2022, approximately 90% of the language was removed that would have protected us against the tyranny, however, our current state rep voted for the bill that allows employers to force test their employees up to twice a week and the employee must pay for it. Medical tyranny leads to economic hardships for the community, for example local medical facilities rejected medical exemptions from employees who wanted to avoid being injected by an experimental vaccine. We fought back with religious exemptions, but neither should be needed for individuals right to choose. I have been personally contacted by numerous individuals locally and from other states who have or are being threatened by their employer. They did not want the vaccine or the proven falsely calibrated PCR test for a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate. Dr Peter McCollough states, we could have reduced hospital visits by 90% if the medical field would have provided the proper early treatment as they would for any other disease.

5) I believe that life begins at conception and I agree with Curt Nicely’s bill to recognize that. I would sign my name to that bill if elected. I will focus on ending the unconstitutional illegal mandates on masking. It has been proven that mask do not work, and cause disease spread making people sicker. For example, last April, we learned there was over a 50% increase in cavities for kids due to the masking. That is only one example of many serious issues on masking. I will author a bill that will not allow Public or private businesses to violate the bodily autonomy of individuals and recognize their constitional rights to decide what goes into their bodies.

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