Cambridge City Police Department greatly increased the number of pounds of medications and sharps that it collected during this year’s national Drug Take Back Day collection.
Sgt. Seth Biava noted that Cambridge City’s October 2023 collection brought in 82 pounds. The April 27 collection netted 122 pounds of medications and 30 pounds of sharps for safe disposal.
Biava thanked Reid Health EMS for its continued partnership with the collection. Kelsie Patton and Jeff Munchel assisted.
Centerville Police Chief Ed Buchholz said police filled two large boxes with an estimated weight of at least 75 pounds during its one-day collection.

Richmond Police Department offers two collection days per year. It also has a no-questions-asked drop box available throughout the year. The station is open from 8 a.m. to midnight weekdays at the western entrance of Richmond Municipal Building, 50 N. Fifth St., Richmond.
When the year-round box and April’s takeback day are combined, Detective Mark Sutton said RPD collected nearly 838 pounds of medications since last fall’s takeback day.
A version of this article appeared in the May 22 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.