Northeastern Middle School recently hosted a Career Exploration Day, providing its students with valuable insights into a variety of career paths, school officials said.
Administrators identified area residents they knew who would be willing to speak with students. They secured 22 professionals from diverse fields to share their experiences and knowledge.
The event aimed to inspire students to think about their future goals and various available opportunities. By exposing students to different professions, educators hope to spark their interests and encourage them to pursue their passions.
Brielle Moody, NMS’ November Student of the Month, said, “I thought it was pretty cool. It made me think of what I want to do when I get older. I got to take someone’s blood pressure. It was really fun.”
Students selected their top three career choices before the event and attended three 25-minute presentations from real estate agents, farmers, small business owners, nurses, homebuilders, teachers, clergy, pilots and others.
Some students watched a medical evacuation helicopter land on the football field and learned from trained emergency professionals.
“This experience allowed students to gather valuable information and ignite their curiosity about potential future careers,” said career coach Alyssa Baker. “Providing career exploration at an early stage enables students to build confidence, forge meaningful community connections, and make informed decisions about their academic and career paths. By engaging in these activities, students gain a clearer understanding of which careers align with their interests and strengths, helping them as they make decisions about their future.”
Principal Clayton Smith said he appreciated NMS staff’s hard work and flexibility to make “this incredible day” happen.
“In addition, we had tremendous support from our community to give up part of their day to talk to middle school aged kids,” Smith said. “That is not an easy sell. We had professionals arrive from as close as our own campus and as far away as Westfield, Indiana. I cannot thank them enough.”
Administrators appreciate community partners’ support for the event, and additional area residents willing to describe their careers to students may contact NMS Dean of Students Mark Hinkey at