WCTV will air program at later date
Area residents are invited to hear what’s happening in the Indiana General Assembly and ask their lawmakers questions at a Friday morning event.
Indiana University East is offering a legislative forum from 8-9 a.m. Jan. 27 in the lobby of Whitewater Hall, 2325 Chester Blvd., Richmond.
The forum is free and open to the public.

State Sen. Jeff Raatz and Rep. Brad Barrett, both Richmond Republicans, will talk with the community about the 2023 Indiana General Assembly and any legislation of interest.
Lawmakers are working on a two-year budget during this session.
After the discussion, the audience can ask questions.
TJ Rivard, interim executive vice chancellor for Academic Affairs and professor of English, will moderate the forum.
The forum will be broadcast at a later time on Whitewater Community Television’s WGTV Channel 11 and wctv.info.

This session, Raatz returns as the chair of the Senate’s Education and Career Development committee, and also is serving on the appropriations committee and the school funding subcommittee.
Barrett was reappointed to serve as chair of the House Public Health Committee for a two-year term. He also serves on the committee for agriculture and rural development.
Bills are discussed and amended in committee before they move to the House or Senate floor.
To view Indiana General Assembly committee agendas and stream hearings online, visit iga.in.gov. Legislative calendars, vote tallies and proposed legislation can also be found on this site.