The gas station at 100 Richmond Ave. received Board of Zoning Appeals permission to install illuminated Citgo signs.

Ohio Richmond LLC, which owns the station, applied for a variance of development standards to install the signs on its canopy, which is within 300 feet of neighboring residences. The BZA voted 4-0 in favor of the request.

The gas station, which was established in 1988, has had one illuminated sign. It now will have multiple Citgo signs and pricing signs. One neighbor wrote to planning staff opposing the signs, which will be turned on until the station closes at midnight, saying the illumination will increase the light penetrating the bedroom and living room and visible from the porch.

Richmond Police Department’s response to planning staff indicated that improved lighting might reduce crime at the station. RPD reported that in 23 years police responded to 908 calls and 53 alarms at the location. There were five burglaries, 12 batteries, 22 fights and 15 cases of public intoxication, according to RPD.

BZA members also voted 4-0 to allow the Blue family to maintain up to five sheep at its Indiana 121 residence. The 4.11-acre lot has 2 acres of fenced-in pasture for the sheep.

Cynthia Blue said the family will mostly use the sheep for 4-H and will have a breeding program.

Two neighbors opposed the sheep, citing noise, odors, expected reduction in property values, predators, insects and water runoff for their opposition.

The family must follow written commitments to abide by nuisance standards for noise and odor and to limit their sheep to no more than five at a time.

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A version of this article appeared in the February 21 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Mike Emery is a reporter and layout editor for the Western Wayne News.