Improvements to the Wayne County Fairgrounds’ First Bank Kuhlman Center and First Bank Expo Hall are increasing rentals, which sometimes results in events occupying both buildings simultaneously.
And that puts a premium on fairgrounds parking.
A county fairgrounds committee ranks increased parking as the fairgrounds’ top priority. Wayne County’s commissioners discussed the issue during their March 5 meeting.
Preliminary plans indicate that locating a paved lot south of Expo is the best solution, with a lot across Salisbury Road also possible. Commissioners agreed they’re ready for next steps in moving forward.
They will ask Mike Sharp, the county highway superintendent, and Brandon Sanders, the county engineer, to analyze drainage issues for the area south of Expo. They’ll need to determine if the drainage pipe and a basin are large enough to handle increased runoff and establish the scope of creating the parking lot. The lot likely would be left as gravel for several months to let the gravel settle, then would be paved.
The county currently has $160,408 in its fairgrounds naming rights fund to finance improvements. First Bank has made three $100,000 contributions after reaching a 10-year, $1 million deal in 2022 to put its name on Kuhlman and Expo. The fourth contribution will occur toward the end of this year.
Another identified fairgrounds priority is upgrading electric service to camping spaces. The drainage analysis will help determine the balance between the two priorities.
Other issues
- Commissioners discussed briefly the Wayne Union Recycling dissolution. A public meeting among the WUR board, Union County commissioners and Wayne County commissioners will be 8:30 a.m. March 21 at the Union County Courthouse, 26 W. Union St., Liberty.
- Commissioners reappointed Andy Roberts to Centerville’s plan commission.
- Commissioners will provide a recommendation letter when community corrections requests a state grant.
A version of this article appeared in the March 12 2025 print edition of the Western Wayne News.