Dot Foods plans to move its family health clinic onto its Gateway Industrial Park facility.

The services available for employees and families will be located in a permanent, modular building at the east end of an existing parking lot accessible from Gateway Road. The building plan shows two examination rooms, a lab, restrooms, office and storage space, and a break room.

The proposal required approval from Wayne County’s Drainage Board, which is comprised of the three county commissioners. They unanimously approved the drainage plan March 12 at the recommendation of Surveyor Gordon Moore.

Family health services, which are operated by third-party health care providers, are currently provided at 1543 N. Indiana 1 on the east side of the highway.


Matt Row of Charter Communications visited commissioners during their March 12 meeting to discuss expanded fiber optic internet service.

Charter is one of four companies bidding on projects in Wayne County. Charter bid on two projects that would provide broadband internet availability to 440 addresses within the county. Commissioners provided letters of support for all four companies’ applications.

This year, Charter is completing previous projects within Wayne County that expanded on services routed through Union and Randolph counties.


Work continued installing the new generator for the Wayne County Administration Building.

A red temporary generator was used to maintain power, and the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office’s new mobile command center was parked outside for use by the Emergency Communications Center to maintain constant 911 service.

Other actions

  • Commissioners approved two change orders for the Sample Road bridge project. One moves the completion date up to Oct. 9, and the other changes the concrete used to a concrete with a new additive that increases strength and reduces permeability.
  • Approved Whitewater Community Television’s request for $34,000 to purchase and install a TriCaster unit from Digital Arts in Bloomington. Once in WCTV’s studio, the unit expands and improves programming the station makes available to the public. Commissioners had previously approved spending up to $35,000 for the equipment.
  • Commissioners will recommend to Wayne County Council increasing the nightly hotel rate allowable for county employees without receiving commissioner approval from $130 to $150.
  • Dr. Stacy Kostiuk spent about $1,300 of $3,000 allocated by commissioners for a recent spay-and-neuter clinic. Commissioners approved allowing Kostiuk to spend the rest of the funds on another clinic.
  • Commissioners approved three new job descriptions that resulted from an employee reorganization. The positions are county administrator, director of development, and director of facilities, maintenance and custodial services.
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A version of this article appeared in the March 19 2025 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Mike Emery is a reporter and layout editor for the Western Wayne News.