Richmond Community Orchestra and Eaton (Ohio) Area Community Chorus are teaming to perform a mix of holiday favorites.
Their free concert begins at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 1, in Goddard Auditorium in Earlham College’s Carpenter Hall, 801 National Road W., Richmond.
Musical selections are to include:
• Trans-Siberian Orchestra hit “Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24”
• “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” with the poem by Clement Clark Moore set to music
• “Sleigh Ride”
• “The Little Drummer Boy (Carol of the Drum)”
• “Look at the World”
• “White Christmas”
• Three dances from “The Nutcracker” (March, Dance of the Toy Flutes and Russian Dance)
• “March of the Toys” from “Babes in Toyland”
• “A Christmas Festival” medley of traditional pieces
Donations will be accepted afterward to help the nearly 40-member chorus with its expenses.
In addition to several performances for area residents each year, RCO provides free group violin lessons and instruments to local children in collaboration with partner organizations that have included Amigos, Girls Inc., Townsend Community Center, Hagerstown’s Arts Place and Richmond Friends School.
Support comes from donations and grants sought by the orchestra, with sources including the Women’s Giving Circle and Wayne County Foundation’s Challenge Match.
RCO’s approximately 50 musicians range from high schoolers to retirees in Wayne, Preble, Darke and Union counties. Some have taught music and others have worked in careers including medicine, law, ministry, engineering and information technology. Jay Conard, a Preble County, Ohio, resident, leads the all-volunteer orchestra and chorus.
The idea for the orchestra developed in Fall 2008 when musicians playing for a Richmond Civic Theatre production wondered if they could get together more often to rehearse and perform a variety of music.
Since then, orchestra rehearsals have continued taking place from 6:30-8:30 p.m. most Mondays at Earlham College’s Goddard Auditorium in Carpenter Hall, and more members are welcome when rehearsals resume in January.
For more information, visit the orchestra’s Facebook page or website
Community orchestra, chorus teaming for Dec. 1 holiday concert