Projects that would provide an assisted living facility and apartments along Chester Boulevard both require zoning changes to multiple family residential (M2).

Ordinances for those zoning changes were on the Richmond Common Council agenda for Sept. 16 and are on the Richmond Advisory Plan Commission’s Sept. 25 agenda. Council would then have the final say when the ordinances appear for second reading.

Marian Development Group LLC of Louisville, Kentucky, has applied to change zoning for 1901 Chester Blvd. from limited commercial to M2. The application indicates that the lot at 1901, which has an occupied house on it, would combine with the neighboring 1907 Chester Blvd. property to house an assisted living complex.

Marian’s application indicates it plans an investment in excess of $44 million and would employ a staff with an annual payroll of approximately $2.6 million.

A site plan shows the drive would be on the current 1907 property and follow along the north edge of the facility. A pond, parking, the proposed building and additional parking would extend from west to east behind the existing home.

During March 2021, 1907 Chester Blvd. was rezoned to M2 at the request of Whisenhunt Construction for proposed townhouses. A deteriorating house was demolished, so the lot is currently vacant.

The second zoning request is to change zoning for Berryfield Park at 1100 North Drive from parks and recreation and high-density single-family residential to M2. The city has reached agreement to sell the park to Chester Heights Apartments. 

The park is south of the expanded Chester Heights complex. A site plan shows three new 24-unit apartment buildings in the area that’s currently park land.

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A version of this article appeared in the September 18 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

Mike Emery is a reporter and layout editor for the Western Wayne News.