This information came from the January 31, 1918, issue of the Cambridge City Tribune.

WANTED – Two boys not going to school. Can use a few Girls. Steady employment. BEEBE GLOVE CO.

FOR SALE – General Store in good live town. See A. G. Shafer, Dublin, Indiana.

Glen Leibhardt, a native of Milton, for several years a professional base ball pitcher, but retired from the game some years, is now assistant manager of one of Cleveland’s largest industries.

The winter of discontent is wearing away slowly. Keep sweet and keep on shoveling coal and snow.

The coal that is furnished to the people of Indiana may be the best that is to be had, but it looks and burns as if the mine owners were just cleaning up.

The Richmond Item reports a case of smallpox at Greensfork. All school children are being vaccinated. It is thought the case has come from an exposure at Richmond.

The number of women employed at munition factories has increased from 3,500 in 1910 to more than 100,000 in 1917 in the U.S.

The special meeting of the town trustees Tuesday night, held to receive bids for the proposed sewer system, resulted in letting the contract to our townsman T. J. Connell for a total of $29,000, which is about $2000 less that the engineer’s estimate of $31,492. There were several contractors present, but being unable to see the lay of the land on account of snow, did not file bids. The total bid for the main sewer was $14,000 and for the laterals 50 cents per foot for 12 inch pipe and 40 cents per foot for 10 inch pipe, which is all below the estimate. The work will commence as soon as conditions will permit.

Acting upon the advice of the government, Lee Pitman is putting up a vast quantity of 17 to 20 inch natural ice in his houses along the upper canal. The government is urgent in this matter and says that the unprecedented demand for ammonia by the army and navy indicate a shortage of this chemical so widely used in producing ice and in refrigeration. The local artificial plant is, however, confident that it will be able to meet all demands put upon it by its customers and is prepared for any emergency. Mr. Pitman is probably the oldest man in the ice trade in Indiana, this being his 51st annual crop taken from the waters of this locality. And we might also add that the ice is the thickest he has ever handled, so thick in fact as to impede the flow of water and making it difficult to cut and handle.

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