Mitch and Amber Mills gave a tired building new energy and a fun vibe for their Leaning Lily business.
That effort earned them the 2023 Exemplary Award when the Wayne County Area Chamber of Commerce presented its annual Community Improvement Awards during a Sept. 12 banquet at Hartley Hills Golf Club in Hagerstown.

Leaning Lily moved to a new South Ninth Street location that includes decorative touches, including a “Lily Bug” Volkswagen, according to a Chamber news release. The building’s facade looks like dry stacked stone with traditional Dutch lap siding, and the Millses added an expanded deck and gazebo to the property.
The Gennett Records Walk of Fame in the Whitewater Gorge received the 2023 Spirit Award.
The deteriorated medallions along the walk were refurbished and lifted out of the sidewalk to better protect them. The medallions honor artists who recorded at Gennett Records, including Hoagy Carmichael, Louis Armstrong and Gene Autry.
Chester Heights Apartments received the 2023 Community Impact Award.
New owner Jake Powers renovated existing units and constructed four additional buildings with modern, open-concept apartments that fill a local need for multiunit housing.
Others nominated for awards were: 5 Arch Brewing Company, Centerville-Abington Schools’ elementary renovation and addition, the new Comfort Suites hotel, Commercial Maintenance Services’ new facility, Eighth Street Artistry salon renovation, First Bank Kuhlman Center and First Bank Expo Hall improvements at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, Forest Hills Country Club’s additions, Porter Advertising’s new building and Runnels Chiropractic’s building restoration.
A version of this article appeared in the October 4 2023 print edition of the Western Wayne News.