The Western Wayne News asked candidates in contested school board races for the Nov. 5 general election the same 10 questions. Candidates were given a month’s time to respond with a firm deadline. We share their answers, unedited from their original form.

Northeastern Wayne Schools Board of Trustees, District B candidates

  • Patrick Barker, Williamsburg
  • Angela (Angie) Smith, Fountain City
Patrick Barker

Question 1: List your education and employment history highlights (100 words or less).

Patrick Barker: Richmond High School Diploma. Indiana Department of Transportation maintenance supervisor for 17 years. B&B Construction of Richmond Inc, president, 27 years. Hank’s Pet Lodge, co-owner. New Garden Cattle Company, owner.

Angela Smith

Angela Smith: I am a class of 1986 graduate of Northeastern High School. Out of high school, I worked for Jim Fisher’s Fine Foods and the restaurant in Fountain City. Then, I went to cosmetology school and have been a hairdresser for the last 31 years. Since 2002, I have operated my own salon. While my children were in school, I held several offices in the Northeastern Music Boosters. Currently I am co-president of Fountain City Forward.

Question 2: What are two specific reasons you decided to run for school board? (100 words or less).

Patrick Barker: I am rooted and invested deeply in this community. My children started in Wee Knights Preschool, and both graduated from Northeastern High School. My wife and I have six grandchildren currently enrolled in the Northeastern Elementary and Northeastern Early Learning Center. As a business owner, I would like to see the schools’ continued fiscal responsibility.  

Angela Smith: Being a lifelong resident of Fountain City and a graduate of Northeastern High School, I’d like to give back and help where I can. I want to be a voice for the community that I grew up in and help in keeping Northeastern a great school for the kids of the area like it was for me, my husband, friends and three children. Also, I have in recent years held an office in the Northeastern Music Boosters, which has shown me that I enjoy helping make decisions in the school.

Question 3: If elected/re-elected, what are your top three priorities for your time on the school board? (150 words or less).

Patrick Barker: 1. Focus on what is best for the students, make sure the children are the top priority. 2. Transparency. 3. Fiscal responsibility.

Angela Smith: If elected, I want to ensure the best education for everyone in K-12 that comes through our community. I will prioritize student and teacher success by getting and properly using funding for the many great areas of Northeastern Wayne Schools. I will prioritize school safety by making sure staff are properly trained and prepared for any situation. I will prioritize trying to raise community engagement in school board matters.

Question 4: What are two specific skills you would bring to the office to benefit constituents, if elected/re-elected? (100 words or less.)

Patrick Barker: As a multi-business owner, I bring strong leadership skills. With over 39 years of experience in construction, I believe this would benefit the school facility and maintenance department.  

Angela Smith: I pride myself on being a great listener and being able to hear all sides of an argument and try to understand where everyone is coming from. In this position, I would be willing to listen to community members and act on their behalf. I am also a people person! Because of this, I feel like I have the ability to bring people together on issues when need be.

Question 5: What’s one aspect of the school board that you think is working well and should continue? (100 words or less.)

Patrick Barker: I believe the board is working well and our schools display it. If elected, I would want to continue the continuity.  

Angela Smith: I think the family feel of our school district is incredibly important and should continue to be that way.

Question 6: What’s one aspect of the school board that you think needs to change, and what specific action(s) would you pursue to change it? (100 words or less.)

Patrick Barker: Transparency and fiscal responsibilities would be a priority if I am elected.  

Angela Smith: Honestly, I can’t say what needs to change right now, but I do think that collaboration between the board and the administration is key.

Question 7: Will you accept the results of the election process even if you are not elected/re-elected? (50 words or less.)

Patrick Barker: Absolutely. Election results will be accepted without any issue.  

Angela Smith: Absolutely. I respect the people’s opinion.

Question 8: Beyond encouraging attendance at school board meetings, how do you plan to involve parents, students, teachers, staff and residents in the school board’s decision making processes? (100 words or less.)

Patrick Barker: Transparency. I have an open-door policy. I encourage dialogue and realize sometimes you have to agree to disagree.   

Angela Smith: I would encourage all people to reach out to me with questions that I can try and get answers for. I have a campaign Facebook page where I can post the meetings to remind parents when they are. I can post important issues. Even if people can’t attend meetings, I will make sure that they know they can always reach me and let me know how they are thinking. I am already very active with Northeastern alumni and have a lot of practice recruiting people for things.

Question 9: If you received a $5 million grant to improve local education any way you wanted, what would you do with it and why? (150 words or less.)

Patrick Barker: Invest more into our children’s academics, support for the teachers, and facility improvements.  

Angela Smith: One thing I would do is expand the curriculum to once again include core life-skills classes like home economics, woodshop, automotive and financial literacy. I’d like to include these classes to better prepare students for life after high school. It is just as important to invest in nonacademic skills as it is academic ones. I would also invest in the schools’ arts programs. For example, we could add an auditorium to properly house the music and drama programs, better allowing students to excel in those fields as well. From my time as Northeastern Music Booster president and as a band parent, I have seen many very talented children come through the program, and it would be great to have facilities to match their talents.

Question 10: Any other comments you’d like to share about your candidacy? (150 words or less.)

Patrick Barker: I am very grateful in advance for your vote and will pledge to give my very best to represent our community to build a greater future for our children and community.  

Angela Smith: (No response.)

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A version of this article appeared in the October 9 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.