A former Richmond Sanitary District accounts payable clerk now faces 16 felony charges regarding $825,819.74 in missing cash deposits spanning 6 1/2 years. Jennifer Wilson, 47, of Richmond is formally charged with eight counts of theft, seven as Level 5 felonies and one as a Level 6 felony, and eight counts of official misconduct, all […]

Author Archives: Mike Emery
Mike Emery is a reporter and layout editor for the Western Wayne News.
Can the former Crain building be saved?
For more than eight years, the former Crain Sanitarium building and its smaller, brick neighbor have deteriorated unabated although interest exists to rehabilitate them. However, entering the buildings to assess their viability has been impossible. Both have absent owners not paying taxes and not responding to requests for building access. Indiana Landmarks is now pursuing […]
Asphalt plant planned along Industries Road
A construction company will erect a temporary portable asphalt plant on a West Industries Road property for use during the Indiana Department of Transportation’s Revive I-70 project. Rieth-Riley Construction Company appeared Nov. 13 before the Richmond Board of Zoning Appeals for relief from variances requiring landscaping and screening of outdoor storage. All five variances were […]
Mayor calls council member’s comments ‘disgruntled’
Two men who once teamed up to get each other elected are now exchanging criticisms in the public square. Mayor Ron Oler issued a signed statement Tuesday responding to a Facebook post by Richmond Common Council member Jerry Purcell that the statement said included “blatant factual inaccuracies.” Oler’s statement was approved by the city’s legal […]
Veterinarian adds bite into animal programs
The animal welfare project in Wayne County’s Hoosier Enduring Legacy Program began by sniffing out possibilities and is now digging up real solutions. Dr. Stacy Kostiuk, a local veterinarian, updated the county’s commissioners Nov. 13 about progress she’s made implementing ideas to alleviate the county’s issue with cats and dogs. Part of her presentation included […]
No boom, only bust for BZA’s fireworks hearing
More than 20 people expecting fireworks attended the Nov. 14 Wayne County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting, but their issue of concern fizzled. The five-member board was scheduled to hear a petition from Gary Wolff and Jesse Wolff requesting a variance of use to permit 12 shipping containers storing fireworks at 4937 Esteb Road, which […]
Richmond board orders vicious dog’s euthanasia
A dog deemed vicious by Richmond’s Board of Public Works and Safety has been ordered to be euthanized. The board determined the dog owned by Brandon Wood of the 1900 block of Valley Drive was vicious during its Nov. 7 meeting. Then, on Nov. 14, the board voted 3-0 that the dog should be euthanized […]
Longtime council member must resign
Wayne County Council member Tony Gillam stunned his colleagues during their Nov. 6 meeting by announcing he must resign from the District 4 seat he’s occupied for two decades. Gillam had been shopping for a new home and the one he found — one he said he’s loved since it was built in the early […]
County steps toward dissolving WUR
Calling Wayne Union Recycling a “cumbersome” process to administer, Wayne County’s commissioners took the first step Nov. 6 toward dissolving the quasi-government organization. Commissioners Jeff Plasterer and Brad Dwenger asked county attorney Ron Cross to prepare the necessary resolutions. Commissioner Mary Anne Butters could not attend the meeting. WUR formed three decades ago with Wayne, […]
Volunteers dig in with tree-planting project
Javier Orduz and his sons, Andre and Mathias, planted a tree Nov. 9 along the west side of South 10th Street near Hibberd school. They were among about 25 volunteers helping with the effort to improve the tree canopy. After watching Aren Flint and Kelley Scholfield of Davey Resource Group demonstrate the process, the Orduzes […]