Wayne County residents can expect to live about six years less than an average American and about four years less than the average Hoosier. The county’s life expectancy is 72.9 years, according to the Indiana Department of Health. That’s 90th among Indiana’s 92 counties. A new Health First Indiana program gives the Wayne County Health […]

Author Archives: Mike Emery
Mike Emery is a reporter and layout editor for the Western Wayne News.
Habitat for Humanity home receives needed variance approval
A sign already announces the Good News Habitat for Humanity project on South L Street. A zoning variance granted July 12 by Richmond’s Board of Zoning Appeals helps Good News move forward with its planned three-bedroom house. The house, which is 59 feet, 11 inches wide, allows just three feet on either side between the […]
BZA denies livestock auction next to The Barn at Helm
Julie Frame hugged her husband, Tim, after learning a livestock auction would not be permitted next to their business, The Barn at Helm. Wayne County’s Board of Zoning Appeals denied a special exception request for the auction on agricultural land west of the Frames’ agritourism business where they grow flowers and provide event space. Board […]
County recorder requests security wall for office
Wayne County Recorder Debbie Tiemann hopes to be proactive about the safety of her staff and the confidential records her office maintains. She discussed with Wayne County’s commissioners July 12 constructing a security wall for her department’s office space in the Wayne County Administration Building’s west wing. Tiemann has funds available to pay for the […]
Plastics company owner requests fire lawsuit’s dismissal
The owner of a plastics company blames damages from an April fire on the city of Richmond and an “unknown arsonist” and has asked a lawsuit against himself and the company be dismissed. Seth Smith and his company, Cornerstone Trading Group LLC, responded last week to a lawsuit seeking damages from them. Tushawn Craig, Marquetta […]
Richmond understands Indiana State Police, Tell City pain
Richmond and Wayne County residents know all too well the devastation felt when a police officer is killed in the line of duty. Less than 10 months after the death of Richmond Police Department Officer Seara Burton, two Indiana police officers were killed within six days of each other. Mayor Dave Snow took time at […]
New RP&L control house now in place
Richmond Power & Light has a new control house at its U.S. 27 location. The control house was delivered in two pieces that were lifted by crane onto a foundation. Now, RP&L staff is working to make the new control house operational. Tony Foster, RP&L’s general manager, provided the control house update to the RP&L […]
Square-body pickups to gather Aug. 4-5 at county fairgrounds
Square-body pickup trucks will take over the Wayne County Fairgrounds on Aug. 4 and 5. Wayne County’s commissioners authorized a contract for the informal gathering plus the judged Midwest Truck Show during their July 5 meeting. The not-for-profit event will pay $1,500 to rent the fairgrounds. That’s the same amount it paid last year. Commissioners […]
Auditor requests 2 positions to track grants
Auditor Mark Hoelscher requested from Wayne County Council funding for two full-time positions that would track grant money awarded to the county. He said grants and grant payments have not been properly tracked to ensure payments are applied to the correct line items and that grants are properly closed upon their conclusion. The auditor’s office […]
2 buildings deemed unsafe
A burned house and a Garden City mobile home were deemed unsafe by unanimous votes during the June 28 meeting of Wayne County’s commissioners. The next steps, however, varied. Owners of 2927 Westview Drive were given 90 days to return with a plan for the demolition or repair of the house that burned during February […]