Wayne County will move forward with the second phase of its project to improve emergency communications within the county. The county’s commissioners voted 3-0 to accept a $246,000 contract with Ritter Strategic Services for that second phase, which provides for planning of the eventual work to address coverage issues. Wayne County Council member Barry Ritter […]

Author Archives: Mike Emery
Mike Emery is a reporter and layout editor for the Western Wayne News.
Radio proposal: $261K to study options
The next step in Wayne County’s plan to improve emergency radio communications will likely cost more than a quarter of a million dollars, and that just gets the county to the point of being able to start making the needed improvements. Matthew Cain, the county’s Emergency Management Agency and Emergency Communications director, presented commissioners a […]
Housing debate hits home
Caspar Arbeeny was hired by Belden right out of college. He was thrilled to find a good job during the pandemic. Once he began searching for living arrangements in Richmond, however, he was less thrilled. He detailed the struggle of finding a suitable apartment during the Jan. 24 Richmond Advisory Plan Commission’s public hearing about […]
Companies receive tax abatements for investments
Menasha Packaging Company and Liberation Labs will receive tax relief for new local investments. Richmond Common Council unanimously approved Jan. 16 two tax abatements for Menasha, which was formerly Color-Box, and one for Liberation Labs. Menasha received a four-year abatement for personal property and an eight-year abatement for real property. Menasha expects to invest about […]
Recommendation would boost county’s emergency radio coverage
Radio communication problems have plagued Wayne County first responders for decades. That’s why fixing those problems became a Hoosier Enduring Legacy Program priority. With American Rescue Plan Act dollars available, county officials hope to finally fix areas with poor reception for emergency radios. Ritter Strategic Strategies, a consulting firm owned by Wayne County Council member […]
Officials prioritize smoking cessation, student health
Indiana’s top health official recently visited Wayne County as the state begins its Health First Indiana program. Dr. Lindsay Weaver, the state’s health commissioner, and members of her team met with local health and elected officials Jan. 12. Becca Alliston, the clinical director for the Wayne County Health Department, updated the county’s Board of Health […]
BearCat creates council controversy
An armored vehicle created the most controversy among Wayne County Council members when they considered possible expenditures of American Rescue Plan Act dollars. During the Jan. 17 workshop, the county’s commissioners presented council members with recommendations for some of the county’s remaining $4.3 million in uncommitted ARPA funds. Commissioners had reached a consensus about the […]
County dog deal’s done
Wayne County’s animal control officer will now take stray and confiscated dogs to the HELP the Animals shelter. The three county commissioners unanimously approved a contract Jan. 17 with HELP to pay $200 per dog housed with the West Main Street shelter. The HELP board had previously signed off on the agreement. Commissioners will approach […]
BZA ruling helps Milestone with I-70 bid
Milestone Contractors wants work from the upcoming Revive I-70 project that will expand the interstate, improve interchanges and update bridges. The company plans to soon bid on the first phase of Revive’s Wayne County portion, stretching from the Ohio state line to the Williamsburg Pike/U.S. 35 interchange, and its bid received a boost Jan. 10 […]
Commissioners identify ways to spend ARPA dollars
Wayne County has about $4.3 million in uncommitted American Rescue Plan Act dollars remaining. The money must be committed by the end of this year, and while that sounds like a lot of time, the county’s commissioners are now moving forward with identifying possible projects to fund, leaving plenty of time to complete the commitment […]