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Growing Transcendia receives tax abatements

A Richmond film manufacturer hopes to compete in the health care and food and beverage markets after a $10.5 million equipment investment. Transcendia is adding machinery from Austria to its 300 Industrial Parkway location. Cody Cohoon, the site manager, said new capabilities, such as lamination, will open those markets to the company. Transcendia was awarded […]

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Vet set to coordinate pet projects

National expert Sara Pizano analyzed animal welfare in Wayne County, suggesting steps to improve the situation. Now, county government and the city of Richmond are enlisting a local expert, veterinarian Dr. Stacy Kostiuk, to spend four months implementing pieces of Pizano’s report. “The study showed us the gaps,” Richmond Mayor Ron Oler said during the […]

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Demolition would create Depot District parking

A mural depicting a train that’s seemingly pulling into the former Pennsylvania Railroad Depot welcomes visitors to Richmond’s Historic Depot District. That train, though, will be replaced by cars, SUVs and pickup trucks. The city of Richmond plans to demolish the former Mechanics Laundry and Supply Inc. building at 1002 N. E St., where the […]

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Council passes Uranus zoning in a laugher

“We’re going to bring a lot of jobs and a lot of laughter here to town.” That’s what Louie Keen told Richmond Common Council about the Uranus Fudge Factory and General Store during its Aug. 5 meeting. Council unanimously approved a zoning change for the former New Creations church and school property along U.S. 40 […]

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$35K distributed to reduce drug use, addiction

Tim Pierson, the Drug Free Wayne County Partnership director, presented Wayne County’s commissioners with the group’s list of grant recipients during the Aug. 7 afternoon meeting. DFWCP had $35,349 to award equally in three categories. Law enforcement and justice awards are $4,130 to Richmond Police Department, $3,000 to Wayne County Community Corrections, $2,613 to Cambridge […]