Posted inSports

Special Olympics athletes compete at state

Twenty-one Wayne County Special Olympics athletes recently competed in the 53rd Indiana Special Olympics summer games June 9-11 at Indiana State University in Terre Haute. Athletes competing included Joe Batchik, Lori Brock, Trea Cook, Joey Evans, David Flores, Curtis Frame, Shytanna Garrett, Jared Haley, Jonathon Jennings, Kayleigh Jennings, Austin Lochotzki, Jacob Miller, Tim Ponder, Devin […]

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Some income, health data improving

Some Wayne County residents are seeing higher wages and have better access to exercise opportunities and health insurance, but others continue to struggle to meet basic needs. Wayne County Foundation and Forward Wayne County released the 2023 County Indicator Report last Thursday, June 8. The report gathers key community indicators from a variety of sources […]

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Fair crowns its queen

Audry Bell was crowned Saturday, June 11, as the 2023 Wayne County 4-H Fair Queen in Centerville High School’s Kehoe Auditorium. Bell also was chosen as the winner for Professional Wear and for Miss Congeniality. The 2023 Wayne County 4-H Fair Queen court consists of Junior Queen Kinlee Riall; First Alternate Delaney Oliger; Queen Audry […]

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REMC trust awards 13 nonprofit grants

Whitewater Valley REMC Community Trust awarded grants to 13 local organizations from its second-quarter applications. Here are the grant recipients, amounts and projects funded: Boys & Girls Clubs of Wayne County: $750, art supplies for annual show. Centerville Senior High School After Prom: $500 for safe and fun environment Centerville Senior High School Drama Club: […]

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Tri teacher named Apple Distinguished Educator 

Amy Stevens, who is in her fourth year of teaching at Tri Elementary School in Straughn, has been named to the Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE) Class of 2023. In 1995, Apple created the ADE Program to recognize K-12 and higher education pioneers who are using Apple technology to transform teaching and learning in powerful ways. […]

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Veteran receives quilt

Former Western Wayne resident Joe “Steve” Carroll, now of New Albany, recently was surprised with a Quilt of Valor made by three women to recognize his service to the United States. At the top it says, “Captain Joe Carroll, US Army, Vietnam – Company Commander.” Supplied

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HPD seeks funding for new K-9

Medical issues affecting Hagerstown’s K-9 officer are making it necessary to replace him sooner than expected. Hagerstown Police Department is looking for donations. The current K-9, Kolt, will have been in service about three years in September, Police Chief Keith Folkner said. The working life of a police dog is generally eight to 10 years, […]

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Recycling drive is Saturday at Northeastern Elementary

Members of a Girl Scout troop are conducting a recycling drive at Northeastern Elementary School on Saturday. They also are collecting plastic to be made into a bench. The Community Recycling Drive will take place from 9 a.m.—1 p.m. Saturday at Northeastern Elementary School, 534 W. Wallace Road, Fountain City. A dumpster will be stationed […]