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Madrigal feast features music, market

Renaissance food, shopping and entertainment are planned to benefit a performing arts venue. Volunteers are again organizing a Valentine’s Madrigal Feast at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 8, in Reid Center, 1004 N. A St., Richmond.  A marketplace will open the festivities. Revelers can purchase mementos and gifts and sip wassail as they peruse jolly booths.  A […]

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No lid, no date, no soap: Inspection flops found

Inspectors discovered three critical and 12 noncritical violations during recent routine inspections of local food establishments. The violations included lighting issues, unsanitary employee practices, missing or malfunctioning equipment, and dirt, dust and food debris in food and bar areas.  Establishments are required to post the most recent routine inspection form adjacent to the front public […]

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Indianapolis, Dayton performers scheduled

Three local organizations are teaming to bring regional performers for a free community event. The program, called “Rhythm & Reflection: Honoring the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.,” will take place from 5-7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18. Morrisson-Reeves Library, Richmond Art Museum and Earlham College are offering the program at RAM’s McGuire Hall, 350 Hub […]

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Civics knowledge may be rewarded

In its first year of participation, Wayne County sent a student to the National Civics Bee. It’s time again for middle schoolers to complete an essay proposing ideas for improving their community.  Participation is free. Essays must be submitted to Wayne County Area Chamber of Commerce by Feb. 4.   A panel will judge the applications, […]

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Hagerstown man honored for helping farmers

A Wayne County man has accepted a lifetime achievement award in the nation’s capital for his years of service to area farmers.  Wilbert “Will” Herr of Hagerstown has received a Farm Service Agency Administrator’s Award for Service to Agriculture.  It’s the highest recognition at U.S Department of Agriculture/FSA.  Herr has worked for Indiana FSA for […]

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Regional planning commission hires new leader

Eastern Indiana Regional Planning Commission, which serves Wayne and surrounding counties, has a new executive director. Clara Judd started her role in mid-December. She’ll aim to create opportunities for growth and future partnerships with the U.S. Economic Development Administration. According to a news release, Judd will pursue federal funding that will benefit the region EIRPC […]

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County welcomes new 4-H educator

Purdue Extension Wayne County Office welcomed its new 4-H Youth Development Educator Kendell Wolfe in November. Wolfe is a Hagerstown High School and Purdue University graduate and was previously in agriculture retail sales. She comes with Extension knowledge as she interned in Wayne County’s office while in college. Her new role combines her passions of […]

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‘Lights out’ for local food inspection violations

Inspectors discovered six critical and 24 noncritical violations during recent routine inspections of local food establishments. The violations included non-working lights, unsanitary employee practices and the presence of dirt, mold, and food debris in food and bar areas.  Establishments are required to post the most recent routine inspection form adjacent to the front public entrance […]

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Baby wipe donations sought

Dwyer Community Center is requesting donations of baby wipes because the number of babies and toddlers it serves is growing. Staff are seeking donations to continue providing baby wipes with the diapers distributed free each month at 1417 N. A St., Richmond.  Affiliated with the Wayne Township trustee’s office, Dwyer Center also offers cooking classes, […]