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State hears concerns, revamps diploma proposal

After receiving more than 8,000 online comments and hours of testimony, Indiana Department of Education has presented a “significantly updated” second draft of a proposal to redesign high school diploma requirements, a news release said. The revised proposal presented to Indiana’s State Board of Education on Aug. 14 has been simplified to include one base […]

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Taxing entities set public hearings for budgets

Wayne County residents have the opportunity to express their opinions about how tax money is spent locally. Taxing districts must advertise their proposed 2025 budgets and conduct public hearings before adopting their budgets. Budget information must be posted on the Department of Local Government finance website. Find budget information for Wayne County, the city of […]

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Billy Joel, Eagles tributes making local stops

The pianist/lead vocalist that Billy Joel hand-picked for his Broadway musical is part of Civic Hall Performing Arts Center’s 2024-25 season of nationally touring shows.  The series kicks off in October with Voctave, an a cappella ensemble with more than 150 million video views on social media.  Season tickets are now available that include all […]

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PHOTOS: Back to school

It still felt like summer outside, but Wayne County students reported back to their classrooms last week for the new school year. Students and teachers jumped back in to learning, laughing, experimenting and even dancing as classrooms, labs, auditoriums and cafeterias once again bustled with activity. Joshua Smith captured these photos for the Western Wayne […]

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Dirty can opener, ice machine cause concerns

Inspectors discovered two critical and eight noncritical violations during recent routine inspections of local establishments. The violations ranged from a cafe not having a certified food manager to two concerns about food being stored on the floor.  In addition, two establishments were reminded they need to post the most recent routine inspection form adjacent to […]

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Burton bridge ceremony is Aug. 14

Motorists driving past Richmond on Interstate 70 will forever be reminded about the service and sacrifice of a Richmond Police Department officer. The U.S. 27 bridge across I-70 will be named the Officer Seara Burton Memorial Bridge during an Aug. 14 ceremony. State Rep. Brad Barrett, a Richmond Republican who represents District 27, initiated renaming […]

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Shoes for Kids will continue after ReidRide ends

Reid Health’s 15th and final ReidRide will take place this weekend, but its commitment to buying shoes for kids isn’t ending. The fundraiser, organized by Reid Health Foundation, will move toward what Reid officials describe in a news release as an “exciting new event to celebrate wellness in a different way beginning in 2025. More […]

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Blood center issues emergency appeal for donations

A regional blood bank has issued an emergency alert because of a donation shortage. Solvita, formerly Community Blood Center, is struggling to meet blood demand from local hospitals. “The gap between what we are collecting and what hospitals are ordering has become an emergency,” said Tracy Morgan, Solvita’s vice president of donor services, in a […]

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Student steers cattle teams to 2nd, 3rd in nation

A Wayne County student was on teams that finished second and third at a national competition about cattle knowledge. Matthew Elzemeyer was on Indiana’s reserve champion senior Hereford Bowl team at the Junior National Hereford Exposition in Grand Island, Nebraska. The competition encourages good sportsmanship and dedication to learning more about the beef industry and […]