Western Wayne families who could use some help providing gifts for their children or young teens are encouraged to apply for Golay Community Center’s Angel Tree.

Applications are being collected through Nov. 22, with no late applications accepted. Registration takes place during regular business hours at the center, 1007 E. Main St., Cambridge City.
Families with children ages 0 to 14 are eligible. Children must live in Western Wayne County or attend Western Wayne Schools to receive gifts.
Applicants must bring a copy of their 2022 tax return, a driver’s license for the applicant, Social Security cards for all members of the household, a utility bill within the last 30 days to verify address, and birth certificates for all children being considered for the tree.
Golay staff note the Angel Tree is a supplement to the child’s family Christmas, and there’s no set amount a sponsor is to spend. Promotional materials note “It is a generous donation from one individual to your child or children.”
For more information, call 765-478-5565.
A version of this article appeared in the November 15 2023 print edition of the Western Wayne News.