The Western Wayne News is a journalistic publication that employs professional reporters to cover what’s happening in Wayne County. We are also a community newspaper that relies on the people who live and work here to help us tell the stories that are most reflective of the challenges and opportunities facing our neighbors.
The Western Wayne News Writers Network is one way we collaborate with writers and other content creators in the community who may not necessarily have a background or training in journalism, but who want to contribute to our coverage and stories, and perhaps eventually join our team!
How it works
Writers Network members start out researching and reporting stories as unpaid contributors. If the collaboration is successful, they can become paid freelance contributors, and eventually contract staff writers. During the process the Western Wayne News will provide guidance, editing, peer feedback and training opportunities to develop journalistic skills and experience.
Here are the different levels of contribution:
- Unpaid contributor (at least 1 month and 2 published stories)
Members pitch topics, events and stories that you want to research and report on in stories that are 500 words or less. WWN team members will review the pitches and give feedback, and when you have the go-ahead to proceed, you can write and submit a draft for our consideration. We’ll provide some basic guidance on style and approach but otherwise will depend on contributors bringing a high quality of work, self-editing and their passion for the topic to ensure a successful outcome. Articles WWN decides to edit and publish will have the contributor’s byline. - Paid freelance contributor (at least 3 months and 5 more published stories)
If the unpaid contributor collaboration goes well, WWN may decide to bring the member on as a paid contractor. We’ll provide a general training on style and ethics. We’ll continue to encourage the member’s pitches on topics and stories you are interested in covering, and also share a list of story ideas and topics that we need help covering. Once there’s an approved assignment, the contributor researches, writes and submits a draft, and we’ll edit and publish the story. We’re able to pay $50 per article published. - Contract staff writer (at least 6 months)
We’ll increase the frequency and predictability of our collaboration, working the writer’s contributions in to our weekly story budget planning process. The scope of projects may expand and could include meeting coverage, research, interviews, community profiles and other more time-sensitive pieces. Writers will have the opportunity to meet with our team for additional feedback and guidance, and we’ll provide additional training as needed. We’re able to pay around $200 per article published. - Hiring?
If we’ve been collaborating successfully up to this point and the writer is interested in a longer-term relationship with the Western Wayne News, we’ll review possible employment opportunities together.
What we’re looking for
If you live or work in Wayne County, Indiana, are a strong writer, and are excited to help tell the stories of the people, organizations, projects, events and experiences that make this community interesting, you may be a great fit for the WWN Writers Network.
In the newspaper world, strong writing often means that you have some experience and skill in bringing moments, personalities, places or information alive for the reader in a way that makes them feel connected and want to learn more. It could also mean the ability to convey something complicated or potentially boring in a way that is accessible, understandable and compelling. Or maybe it means that you know how to use the written word to bring out people’s laughter and tears.
It’s important that our Writers Network members approach their writing projects with neutrality and openness, and without any particular agenda or point of view to advance. If you are looking to inform about or advocate for a project, organization or cause that you think needs more visibility in the community, that’s great, but the Writers Network is not a way to do that.
Other qualities we’re looking for are the ability to stay organized and work independently and efficiently, strong online research skills, and comfort with using email, Google Docs and similar tools for writing and communicating about stories.
Joining the Writers Network is not a commitment to write stories on any particular schedule or for any length of time. If you just have time to submit something occasionally, that’s okay. If we decide together that it’s a good fit for you to become a contract contributor, we can establish a good understanding of what’s possible and expected.
How to join
Please fill out this form to indicate your interest in joining the WWN Writers Network.
We’ll respond as soon as we’re able. If you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact us.