The Western Wayne News asked candidates in contested school board races for the Nov. 5 general election the same 10 questions. Candidates were given a month’s time to respond with a firm deadline. We share their answers, unedited from their original form.

Nettle Creek (Hagerstown) School Board of Trustees District A candidates

  • Julie R. Blaase, incumbent
  • Candace (Candi) Tramel

Question 1: List your education and employment history highlights (100 words or less).

Julie R. Blaase, incumbent

Julie R. Blaase:

  • Graduate of Hagerstown Jr.-Sr. High School
  • Graduate of Ivy Tech Community College, Nursing
  • Graduate of Indiana Law Enforcement Academy, Corrections
  • Currently employed as Clinical Associate, Culberson Funeral Home, Hagerstown, Indiana
  • Former Board Member, Jacy House, Richmond, Indiana
  • Former Staff Nurse, Reid Health & Henry Community Hospital
  • Former Sergeant and Assistant Medical Coordinator, Wayne County Jail
  • Former employee, Culberson Ambulance Service
Candace Tramel

Candace Tramel:

  • Hagerstown Jr. Sr. Graduate, Class of 2002; obtained my Bachelor of Social Work in 2008 and my Associate’s in Human Services in 2007, both from Indiana University.  
  • Social Worker, Richmond State Hospital, July 2007 to October 2010
  • Caseworker, Department of Child Services, November 2010 to July 2014
  • Case Manager, Meridian Services, August 2014 to November 2015
  • Court Administrator, Henry County Courts, November 2015 to June 2022
  • Data Specialist, Business Office Assistant, Nettle Creek Schools, June 2022 to October 2022
  • Resource Coordinator, Henry Community Health, October 2022 to present 

Question 2: What are two specific reasons you decided to run for school board? (100 words or less).

Julie R. Blaase: I am choosing to run for reelection to the Nettle Creek School Board of Trustees because I want to be an advocate for students and their support system, corporation staff and the community. In doing so, I am also giving back to my alma mater and community.

Candace Tramel: Two specific reasons I decided to run for school board are named Cameron and Corinne (Cori) Robertson, my daughters. They are part of the student body at Nettle Creek School. I would like to serve as an active participant in their education while giving back to the community. I understand that a school board member is going to be more than just showing up to a meeting once a month. It is going to be a challenge at times and require research outside of meeting times. I want to be able to serve my community and local school by offering my time, ability to utilize resources and complete research for resources. 

Question 3: If elected/re-elected, what are your top three priorities for your time on the school board? (150 words or less).

Julie R. Blaase: Collaborating with trustees of the Nettle Creek School Board to retain qualified administrators, educators and personnel within our schools. The corporation is the core of our community; when students succeed the corporation is successful. When the corporation is successful, the community and businesses are also successful.

 Students’ support system, community members, and corporation employees may often feel they are not being heard, taken seriously, seen, or are uninformed. I pledge that I would work diligently and collaboratively with the corporation superintendent, administrators and board of trustees to improve this area.

Collaborate with trustees of the board to become proactive versus reactive in identifying and addressing issues before they become problematic.

Candace Tramel: The three top priorities of my time on the school board will be to continue to support Nettle Creek Schools’ current school board pillars: teaching, learning, and school environment. Our school thrives when we attract and retain teaching staff that are qualified and motivated to stay long term. Our children’s learning is best supported with adequate materials for which I am motivated to find funding. The school environment expands beyond the buildings to include the community that I represent.

Question 4: What are two specific skills you would bring to the office to benefit constituents, if elected/re-elected? (100 words or less.)

Julie R. Blaase: I have 12 years of hands-on experience received from serving the Nettle Creek School Board of Trustees. Participation on board committees, including Board Policy Review, School Safety, Transportation, Wellness Committee and New Castle Career Center.

 I have a strong record of problem-solving skills, both in my professional and educational history; I believe if reelected to the Nettle Creek Board of Trustees those skills will be useful in bringing our schools back to the forefront of county schools.

Candace Tramel: Two specific skills that I bring to the office to benefit my constituents, if elected, would be my previous knowledge of NettleCreek’s business model. Formerly working in the administration office, even though for a short period, I became very familiar with NettleCreek’s business model and how school data affected the school’s budget. Another skill that I possess is a broad knowledge of the NettleCreek community and its residents. As a lifelong member of the community I believe many residents will feel comfortable coming to me regarding concerns and will view me as approachable. 

Question 5: What’s one aspect of the school board that you think is working well and should continue? (100 words or less.)

Julie R. Blaase: I believe our community partnerships are invaluable to the school; including with Hagerstown Police Department providing our student resource officers; Wayne County Sheriff’s Department providing the ACES Program to assist students in times of crisis; New Castle Career Center providing our juniors and seniors with skill development opportunities and career exploration; and partnership with secondary educational institutions, including Ivy Tech Community College offering 26 college-credit courses to Hagerstown High School students.

Candace Tramel: One aspect of the school board that I believe is working well is that in recent years, the board appears to be more self aware of their duties as board members. Nettle Creek School has a great administration. I appreciate that it appears there has been a relationship built of trust that the board does not feel the administration needs to be micromanaged. 

Question 6: What’s one aspect of the school board that you think needs to change, and what specific action(s) would you pursue to change it? (100 words or less.)

Julie R. Blaase: Parents, students’ support system and community members do not believe their concerns/opinions are being heard or seen. I strongly encourage those individuals to not only attend monthly board meetings, but to visit the corporation’s website and utilize contact information provided on the site, to contact teachers, administrators, superintendent or board trustees.

Candace Tramel: One aspect of the school board that I believe needs to change, while it would be a minor change, would be that the board or presenter provide some more background regarding an issue prior to making a vote or coming to a decision. This would allow the individuals that are new to the board meeting to feel more included and aware of what is being discussed and decided at the time. 

Question 7: Will you accept the results of the election process even if you are not elected/re-elected? (50 words or less.)

Julie R. Blaase: Yes, I will accept the results of this election.

Candace Tramel: Yes, I will accept the results of the election process no matter the outcome.

Julie Blaase has served Nettle Creek School in at least three previous terms. She has a wealth of experience. She has sent two kids through NettleCreek; while I am currently sending my two through now.  The community cannot lose. Julie was formerly an at-large candidate, I was unaware that she would be running for District A. I hate to be running against her. 

Question 8: Beyond encouraging attendance at school board meetings, how do you plan to involve parents, students, teachers, staff and residents in the school board’s decision making processes? (100 words or less.)

Julie R. Blaase: Family and community engagement lead to a positive school climate, improve academic performance, better student behavior, and higher levels of parental satisfaction. Encouraging students’ support system to utilize Parent Square, become a classroom volunteer, attend PTO meetings, and regular communication with their student(s) teacher. I would propose to the board of trustees the idea of hosting a community/parent discussion, including the corporation board, superintendent and business manager, to discuss corporation operations.

Candace Tramel: Being involved in the school board decision making process is more than just a board member’s decision, it is a parent, student, staff and resident decision. As a representative for the community and member of the board I would always be open to hearing their input regarding any upcoming decisions and want to hear the communities opinion.

Question 9: If you received a $5 million grant to improve local education any way you wanted, what would you do with it and why? (150 words or less.)

Julie R. Blaase: Following state laws and corporation policies, I would use a portion of those funds where the need is greatest. Updating corporation buildings and equipment is essential for the safety of our students and staff, and for the appearance of our schools to attract new families and students.

Adding an extra layer of safety for our students, staff and visitors, by collaborating with our SROs, local, county and state law enforcement, to purchase badge-type panic alarm buttons, such as the Crisis Alert system manufactured by Centegrix, to be provided to all staff within the corporation.

Candace Tramel: If I were to receive a five million dollar grant to improve local education I would allocate funds for the elementary playground as well as for the facilities at the high school for updates to improve our children’s learning environment. Funds could also be used to increase student safety, such as installing updated camera systems and our school law enforcement officers and staff members completing safety training. Funds would also be allocated for teacher professional development, leadership enhancement and curriculum improvement opportunities. Funds would also be set aside to purchase updated student materials to be used in the classroom to assist in student learning. 

Question 10: Any other comments you’d like to share about your candidacy? (150 words or less.)

Julie R. Blaase: Our school corporation has had many ups and downs, successes and failures, throughout its history. The Board’s purpose is not to run the school, but to work with the superintendent, administrators, educators and staff. I would, to the best of my ability and experience, ensure each and every student has an “exemplary educational experience that maximizes the student’s highest potential, ultimately leading to educational successes.”

Candace Tramel: (No response.)

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A version of this article appeared in the October 9 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.