Some candidates must file by Feb. 3

Although candidates for president, Congress and governor pop into homes through TV commercials, those elected to town and city leadership roles often have more influence on everyday life.

In 2023, many Wayne County voters will have a chance to choose who will set their utility rates, decide how to address blighted properties, oversee their trash collection and fund the work of first responders, for instance.

Candidates can start filing Jan. 4 for a variety of offices in the upcoming municipal election. Filing deadlines differ based on whether candidates live in Richmond or in a town.

READ: What do candidates need to know before signing up?

Voters who live inside Richmond’s city limits will be able to choose their mayor, clerk and council members. They can vote for the representative for their council district plus three at-large candidates.

Those who live in what’s called the two-mile fringe outside town limits may not vote in Richmond city elections. Those who aren’t sure if they can vote for those offices can call or email the county voter registration office to inquire whether they’re inside town boundaries.

Richmond candidates must file by noon Feb. 3 to be on the May primary ballot.

Since there are no primary elections for towns, candidates for council and clerk-treasurer must file by noon Aug. 1.

Cambridge City, Centerville, Dublin, Fountain City, East Germantown and Milton all will elect a clerk-treasurer.

Cambridge City and Fountain City have three council seats on the ballot, while Centerville, Dublin, East Germantown and Milton residents will elect all five of their council members. Hagerstown won’t have any elections until 2024.

What happens next depends on how many candidates file within a political party.

If town races do not have multiple candidates from the same party for clerk or council seats, then those candidates advance to the fall election.

However, if there are multiple candidates for the same office within a party, that party will need to conduct a town convention before the November election. Once a town convention is conducted, if no races have candidates from two or more parties, the town does not need to conduct an election in the fall.

Those seeking more information about registering to run for office or vote should contact the county’s voter registration office at 765-973-9226 or email

Filing deadlines for local offices

Those who want to run for Richmond mayor, common council and clerk may begin filing Jan. 4. The deadline is noon Feb. 3 to get on the ballot for the May primary.

Candidates for town council and clerk-treasurer in Cambridge City, Centerville, Dublin, Fountain City, East Germantown and Milton must file by noon Aug. 1.

Those who want to vote must register by April 3 for the spring primary and Oct. 10 for the fall general election.

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Millicent Martin Emery is a reporter and editor for the Western Wayne News.