Wayne County Health Department has confirmed two more local deaths related to COVID-19, with the information announced Thursday afternoon (May 7).
The deaths took place at Reid Health on May 6 and May 7.
Both of the Wayne County victims were men, with one older than 60 and older than 70.
Wayne County now has had five deaths related to COVID-19.
The health department has counted 51 presumptive positive lab cases and an additional 77 clinically diagnosed cases among Wayne County residents.
“As we move through the reopening of Indiana and Wayne County, we have expected to see the case count go up,” said county Health Officer Dr. David Jetmore. “This was a tough day for us. The single worst-case count day we have had since this began.”
“We have shifted the responsibility of the government keeping the public safe to the responsibility of the public to protect themselves,” Jetmore said. “This is a grim reminder of what could lay ahead for us if we are not cautious.”
Christine Stinson, the health department’s executive director, expresses concern with the response her department has been getting during investigations of COVID-19 patients to determine who they have been in contact with.
“An alarming number of people are refusing to comply with the quarantine and isolation guidelines,” she said.
Those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 must quarantine themselves until they are no longer experiencing symptoms and three days have passed since the last symptom, such as fever.
That quarantine must continue at least 10 days since the onset of symptoms.
Those who are close contacts of COVID-19 patients must isolate themselves for 14 days since their last exposure to the patient.
She noted that isolation can be very long because if they are living with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, their 14-day countdown can’t begin until the patient is past his or her symptoms.
Those with COVID symptoms can now visit an Indiana State Department of Health/OPTUM test site at National Guard Armory in Richmond, Connersville and Muncie. Appointments are available at https://lhi.care/covidtesting or (888) 634-1116.
Residents are urged to wash their hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds after being in contact with frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, countertops, pump handles at gas stations, credit/debit card machines and money.
Wayne County confirms 2 more residents’ deaths from COVID